Alfonso Alonso Garcia-Porter is an American painter. 

Born into a mixed Italian/American & Spanish/Portuguese family, Alfonso has a very strong cultural heritage!

He also had a much travelled childhood, moving regularly to different countries with his parents. Alfonso's father was in the military & was posted regularly to different locations around the world, where, his family would have to follow him!

Never spending more than 3 years at any location, Alfonso never put down any roots and finds it difficult to consider any particular location 'home' & instead grew a wanderlust for travel, to explore & see what's around that next corner. He developed constant itchy feet to keep moving & not settle. With such a varied & mixed family dna & a lack of national identity, he considers he belongs to the world, more than a particular nationality or race.

Alfonso's mother is also an Artist & young Alfonso was greatly inspired & influenced by her - particularly her creative & non conforming spirit. Alfonso's mother was an unconventional woman, highly individual with a unique approach to life, she taught him to always question the status quo & to always make up his own mind, rather than be told what to do, or influenced by others. She helped form his opinions & views on the social expectations of our western society.

During his teenage years Alfonso spent a lot of time on his own, observing & absorbing the life around him, drawing and reading and figuring out where he fitted into to this world.

Having also travelled extensively as an adult, Alfonso has lived in Tokyo, Hong  Kong, Shanghai, Paris, San Francisco & NYC. Living immersed in the these big, noisy, bustling cities, has had a big impact on Alfonso. His paintings capture the hectic speed of life, the constant movement and the hustle and bustle of modern living; along with capturing the solitude, loneliness & isolation one can feel in such environments.

curated by hei art gallery

all artworks are copyrighted. all rights reserved

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